Automation and e-signature - a perfect match!

3 min read

We talk to our customers every day about how we can make processes more efficient and user-friendly. The combination of document automation with CASUS and digital signature solutions like DeepSign is a powerful synergy that addresses exactly these needs. This blog post looks at how the integration of these technologies can offer companies real added value.

Increasing efficiency through document automation

Document automation is a game changer for document management. CASUS enables companies to automate the process of document creation and distribution. Instead of manually creating and editing documents, which is time-consuming and error-prone, employees can use automated templates and complete routine tasks in no time. This increase in efficiency not only reduces the time needed for document creation, but also improves the accuracy of documents by minimizing human error.

Securing document integrity with digital signatures

The integration of digital signatures into the document flow, as offered by DeepSign, takes security to a new level. Digital signatures ensure that documents have not been altered after signing, guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of documents. They also enable efficient and time-saving handling of business processes, as documents can be signed electronically and transmitted immediately.

Acceleration of business processes

The combination of document automation and digital signatures has the potential to significantly speed up business processes. The time it takes to create, review, approve and sign documents can be reduced from several days to just a few minutes.

Cost savings and contribution to environmental protection

By digitizing documents and using digital signatures, companies can make significant cost savings. The costs of printing, paper, mailing and archiving physical documents are eliminated, which not only results in financial savings, but also contributes to environmental protection. Companies that value sustainability can take advantage of these benefits to support their environmental goals while reducing their operating costs.

Improving the customer, partner and employee experience

In a world where customers, business partners and employees value convenience and speed, the implementation of document automation and digital signatures can significantly improve the user experience. The result: more satisfied customers, better relationships with external partners and a happy team.


The integration of document automation and digital signature solutions offers companies significant added value. By increasing efficiency, ensuring document integrity, speeding up business processes, saving costs and improving the user experience, companies can improve their operational performance and gain a competitive advantage. The combination of CASUS and DeepSign is an example of how the use of smart technologies can help companies meet the challenges of our digital age and be prepared for the future.

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