Lawyers as real trailblazers thanks to document automation

3 min read

In the increasingly regulated business world, the role of lawyers is undeniably important. They are not only advisors in legal matters, but also pioneers for efficient and scalable business processes. A key element in this development is document automation. In this article, we will discuss how document automation is revolutionizing corporate legal departments and why lawyers can act as pioneers of this change.

The role of document automation

Document automation is a process in which standard documents are created automatically with the help of software. This technology replaces the manual creation of documents by copy-pasting and overwriting old contracts and templates, which not only saves time but also increases the accuracy and consistency of documents. The first step towards automation is often recognizing the need for change in traditional legal department processes.

Increased efficiency through automation

In many teams, lawyers spend a considerable amount of time creating and reviewing standard documents. However, this repetitive and time-consuming task can be greatly simplified through document automation. Software makes it possible to automate templates that can ultimately be used for different types of legal documents. This not only reduces the time needed for document creation, but also makes the documents better.

Scaling the law within the company

One of the main advantages of document automation is the ability to scale legal processes. Legal requirements are increasing in almost all areas of business. Automation makes it possible to keep pace with this regulatory growth without the need for additional resources.

Lawyers as innovators

The introduction of automation solutions requires lawyers to rethink their approach. Instead of relying on manual processes and their expertise in individual cases, they need to be open to the use of technology. This willingness to break new ground positions lawyers as innovators within the company. They not only contribute to increasing efficiency, but also to modernizing the entire company.

Challenges and solutions

The implementation of automation technologies is not without its challenges. One of the biggest obstacles is resistance to change. Many colleagues are used to traditional ways of working and can be skeptical of new technologies. To overcome these challenges, it is important to clearly communicate the benefits of automation and provide training to ensure ease of use.


Lawyers play a crucial role in the introduction and scaling of document automation in companies. Through their willingness to adopt and implement new technologies, they can not only improve the efficiency of their own work, but also make a significant contribution to the overall efficiency of the organization. It is clear that document automation is a powerful tool that has the potential to fundamentally change the way legal departments operate.

For more information about document automation and how it can help your business, visit

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